Over the past 6 years I have had the incredible privilege to work closely with the luxury Safari hotel group- Singita. The relationship started by refreshing their brand and design strategy and has continued through the roll out of marketing material and collateral sets for all of their 15 lodges.
In 2014 Singita shifted their company focus from primarily being a luxury hospitality brand, to becoming a conservation driven, eco-tourism brand. Allowing the natural world to be the hero, the architectural redesign and interior styling of the various lodges has taken on a pulled back approach- opening up spaces to the African wilderness and focusing on an authentic guest experience. This informed the aesthetic graphic direction of the brand- simplifying the design of collateral, removing embellishments and using natural-light photography.
Part of the challenge was to work around the logistics and production costs of creating collateral sets for each of the 15 lodges which are spread across 5 African countries. Each lodge is completely bespoke and has its own unique design story so it was important that the collateral connected with each location.
 To better streamline this process we divided the different print pieces into groups according to how they interacted with the guests. Functional pieces like indemnity forms or laundry lists were standardized and used across all lodges, while thoughtful pieces like welcome cards or guest information maps were customized to follow the look and feel of each lodge. 
We created a large, 220 page coffee table book that not only showcased all of Singita's beautiful lodges, but also highlighted a number of their community and conservation programs. 

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